Just a Little Bit

Just a Little Bit is a song I started writing my junior year of high school and initially gave up on because I simply had no idea how to finish it. Then, a couple years later when someone made a passing comment about me not being able to write love songs, I finished it (and wrote 7 more) out of spite. It’s a very simple song - it’s about being just a little bit in love with somebody. (Not a lot in love, just a little bit.) Specifically, with someone you’d never confess your feelings to. It’s about how, when you have a big fat crush on someone, it feels like all of a sudden they’re the center of your universe even if they don’t even know your name. Everything revolves around them. You can’t help but smile when you think about them, you can’t help but get nervous when you talk to them, and you know you’re not really in love but “like” isn’t a big enough word to encompass how you feel so maybe you’re a little bit in love. Not a lot, just a little bit.



Mirabai Kukathas - lyrics, melody, vocals
Grafton Downs - bass, keys
Matt "Sabyu" Sablan - guitar, production