Basil is my favorite plant. I've cleaned many a grocery store and farmer's market of their basil stock. Every birthday at least one person gets me a basil plant and I spend the rest of the party eating, not whatever food has been prepared, but that basil plant down to the roots. Basil is another song about my good friend depression. I was inspired to write it after reading a (very clickbait-y) internet article, the headline for which simply read: "Basil Cures Depression???" The song is about wanting to be happy. It's about wanting a safe, idyllic world in which to live. It's about wanting somebody to love you. Basil is the second track and my bassist’s favorite song off my debut album, Songs to the Monster Under My Bed.
Mirabai Kukathas - lyrics, melody, vocals
Grafton Downs - bass
Matt "Sabyu" Sablan - acoustic guitar, electric guitar, drums, production